amador iravedra



 Ruar por Londres é un agasallo para os ollos, moita información en infinidade de imaxes que se amorean na túa cabeza, pero que é o que quero contar? Resolvín a miña dúbida desde o instante en que atopei o meu primeiro sofá* abandonado, ou quizais el atopoume a min cando me chamou poderosamente a atención e decidín fotografalo desde un encadre frontal, directo, deixando ver o habitualmente gris background londinense.

Un tempo despois empecei a fixarme nos catálogos de sofás e o seu mundo ideal de fogares e familias felices, inspirado por esa publicidade decidín montar a miña propia campaña: SOFAS IRAVEDRA, con camisetas e cartelería previas ás miñas exposicións, que cunha chiscadela despistan o espectador e introdúceno nunha galería a ver a serie de fotografías SOFAS.

Ideal e realidade.

Amador Iravedra

 *Sofá: Cálido elemento do fogar que te acolle nos seus brazos sempre que o necesitas e que antes ou despois adoita acabar na rúa. Ás veces ten a súa segunda oportunidade e alguén o recolle, marabillas da reciclaxe.  


 Wandering around the streets of London is a treat for the eyes. So much information in so many images that pile up in your mind. But what do I really want to say? The answer came to me the moment I found my first discarded sofa*. (Or was it the sofa that found me?) It so caught my attention that I decided to photograph it in a direct, full frame against the ever-grey backdrop of London.  

Some time later, I started to notice sofa catalogues and their ideal world of home sweet homes and smiling families. It was with this advertising in mind that I decided to launch my own campaign: SOFAS IRAVEDRA, with promotional T-shirts and posters before the exhibition itself. It is an inside joke to throw off passersby who will inadvertently walk into a gallery to see the photo series SOFAS.

The ideal and reality.

 Amador Iravedra

 *Sofa: A cozy item of home furnishing that will hold you whenever you need it, only to be eventually dumped in return. Sometimes somebody finds it and gives it a second chance. Such are the wonders of recycling.



Amador Iravedra naceu en París en 1966 e reside na Coruña tras pasar tempadas en cidades como Mallorca, Valladolid e  Londres, onde realizou esta serie. Sofas mostraráse na Galería Sargadelos de A Coruña no vindeiro mes de xuño.


Amador Iravedra was born in Paris in 1966 and now lives in A Coruña. He has previously lived in cities such as Majorca, Valladolid and London, where this photo series was taken. Sofas will be exhibited at the Sargadelos Gallery in A Coruña next June.

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