begoña mumary



As liñas das mans son únicas en cada un de nós, definen un  individuo,  individuo que, á súa vez, está rexistrado nunha base de datos do Estado con nome e apelidos. Non hai maneira de escapar dese ti, ou dese eu, sen eliminar as pegadas dactilares. Ademais do identitario, do único, as liñas da man poden entenderse como as liñas que, dalgunha maneira, conforman, ou mellor, representan, a nosa vida. Unhas liñas que se reviran, dan voltas sobre elas mesmas, volven ao punto do que parten, defínense  e desdebuxan. Son unhas liñas que conforman unha vida chea de xiros, de camiños bifurcados e, moitas veces, borrosos e indecisos. Por todo iso a fotografía final configúrase a través do proceso de cosidos sobre a pel, das marcas que deixan sobre ela, incluso os puntos que se descosen e sódeixan un novo fracaso, unha cicatriz, son importantes. Esas cicatrices que se conforman ao longo dos anos, intentos que non chegan a nada, intentos que poden facer dano e recordas como unha marca sobre a pel ou sobre os sentidos imborrabel.

Begoña Mumary

Each of us has unique hand lines. They define an individual, an individual who is in turn registered in the State’s database with name and surnames. There’s no way of escaping from that “me” or that “you” without wiping off the fingerprints. Apart from being identifying, from being unique, hand lines can also be understood as lines that form, or rather represent our life. Lines that twist, spin around themselves and go back to the starting point, they define themselves and become blurred. These are lines that make up a life full of turns, forked paths which are sometimes vague and blurred. Therefore, the final photograph is shaped through the process of stitching the skin, through those marks that are left on it.  Even those stitches that are taken out and only leave a new failure, a scar, are still important.  These scars that are formed throughout the years, attempts that come to nothing, attempts that can be hurtful, and are remembered as a mark on the skin or on the senses: indelible.
Begoña Mumary


Pontevedra (1985). Na actualidade estuda Belas Artes na facultade de Pontevedra.

Pontevedra (1985).She is currently studying Fine Arts at the University of Pontevedra.

Dobre páxina publicada en A Nosa Terra, febreiro  2010.

Double-Page spread, published in A Nosa Terra, February 2010.

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