inés piñeiro

CP 15819

As postais son pequenos obxectos cotiáns e privados gardados no fondo dun caixón, cos que un día alguén pretendeu transmitirnos unha mensaxe. Pero estas postais teñen tras de si unha viaxe que realizaron antes de chegaren onda nós, pasando por máis mans e facendo públicos eses sentimentos. Esta dualidade está implícita dentro das postais e é nesta característica onde radica o interese das mesmas.

As dobreces, o papel desfeito nunha esquina, a escritura, as manchas… son peculiaridades que nos amosan que a postal estivo en uso e que xa cumpriu a súa misión comunicadora para pasar agora a cumprir un papel recordatorio. Son capaces de evocar e transmitir sentimentos pasados e é precisamente o paso do tempo físico na postal o que a fai máis atraente, evocadora, sorprendente e misteriosa, mesmo para aquelas persoas que non manteñen lazo ningún co emisor ou co destinatario.



PO 15819

Postcards are private little objects from our everyday life, kept at the bottom of a drawer, which remind us of someone who sent us a message. But these postcards also carry with them that same journey they went on before reaching us, going from hand to hand and making of those feelings a public matter. This duality is implicit in the postcards themselves and it is in this very same feature where the interest lies upon.

The folds, the corner’s damaged paper, the handwriting, the stains…they are peculiarities which show us that the postcard was in use and that its communicative mission has been fulfilled to start playing the role of reminder.

They are able to conjure up and transmit feelings from the past, and it is precisely the physical passing of time in the postcard what makes it even more attractive, evocating, surprising and mysterious, even for those who do not maintain any ties with the sender.



Santiago de Compostela, 1988

Graduada en Belas Artes pola Universidade de Vigo. Actualmente realiza un máster en edición.

1988 (Santiago de Compostela)

Degree in Fine Arts by the University of Vigo. She is currently attending a Master Degree in Publishing and Editing.

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