mar cuervo


English bellow

Esta serie de fotografías son o resultado da convivencia durante tres meses coas mariscadoras a pé de Cambados entre os anos 2012 e 2013.

Este proxecto, orixinalmente seleccionado polo Museo do Mar de Vigo, sufriu recortes e unha abrupta interrupción do financiamento. Posteriormente foi apoiado polo Concello de Cambados e pola Embaixada de Noruega, o que permitiu a súa continuidade en países como Islandia, Xapón e Holanda.

Este reduto na pesca reservado historicamente á muller, converteuse hoxe nunha vitoria e nunha conquista á natureza, á sociedade e ás mesmas limitacións que lles foron asignadas (e que aínda o son) ás mulleres.

Do clandestino ao oficial, hoxe están organizadas, propoñen plans de explotación, pasaron de ser depredadoras a ser cultivadoras, organízanse, loitan contra o furtivismo, sementan, falan da vida da ameixa como a mellor bióloga e transmítenlles os seus coñecementos ás xeracións que no 2013 están a coller a remuda.

Elas mesmas son portadoras dun patrimonio inmaterial en feminino e encárganse de transmitir os seus coñecementos e manter vivos os detalles da cultura mariñeira.

Este traballo pretende darlles o protagonismo merecido a estas mulleres facéndoas visíbeis a través dos seus retratos.

Incapaces de desligar o mar da súa vida, souberon facelo o seu sinal de identidade; o mar non é só o seu lugar de traballo, o mar é o seu medio e por iso son as “Sereas” das nosas rías, as que rescatan, as que agardan na beira e as que loitan e o defenden con toda a fortaleza física e moral que as caracteriza.

Mar Cuervo


These photographs are the result of three months living together with Cambado´s shellfish harvesters during 2012-2013.

The project was originally born after being awarded by the Museum of the Sea of Vigo but suffered the cuts and abrupt interruption of the financial support, later on being supported by institutions like Cambados Town Council or the Norwegian Embassy which allowed further similar works in countries such as Iceland, Japan and The Netherlands.

This stronghold in the fisheries historically reserved to women, has currently become a victory and a conquest to nature, society and even to the very limitations that have been assigned (and are still assigned) to women.

From clandestine to official, today they´ re organized, they propose exploitation plans, they have evolved from being predators to growers, they fight against poaching, they re-seed, they talk about the life of the clam like the best of the biologists and they transfer their knowledge to the generations that in 2013 are receiving the baton.

They are the carriers of an immaterial female patrimony and are ensuring their knowledge on maritime culture stays alive.

This work claims the long time deserved prominence of these women, making them visible through their portraits.

Unable to untie their lives from the sea, they have made possible to make the sea their symbol of identity; the sea is not only the place where they work, the sea is their living environment and that is why they are the Mermaids of our sea inlet, the ones who rescue, the ones who wait in the seashore fighting and defending with all the physical and moral strength they are known for.

Mar Cuervo


Actualmente vive e traballa entre Madrid e Los Angeles.

Traballa con temas relacionados coa identidade da muller como resultado da súa loita pola autonomía. Está interesada no “feminino oculto” e explora procesos artísticos como armas de cohesión social.

Os seus proxectos foron apoiados por institucións como o MACUF, The European Cultural Foundation, British Council ou EEA Grants, e expostos en cidades como Madrid, Valencia, San Francisco, Seúl ou Reikjavik.


She is currently living and working between Madrid and L.A.

Her practice engages issues surrounding female identity as result of their struggle for autonomy. She is interested in the “hidden feminine” and explores artistic processes as weapons of social engagement.

Her work has been supported and commissioned by institutions like MACUF, The European Cultural Foundation, British Council, EEA Grants and showed in Madrid, Valencia, San Francisco, Seoul or Reykjavik.


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