iria becerril

As aparencias enganan

A quen non lle dixeron algunha vez que a primeria impresión é moi importante? E é por iso que todos facemos xuízos sobre como son as persoas ou as cousas a primeira vista. Porén, cantas veces acertas? Seguramente te equivocaches máis dunha vez, pois non todo é o que se ve.

Os humanos somos seres complexos e nalgúns casos contraditorios. Modelamos a nosa maneira de ser en función do que os demais agardan de nós. “Maquillamos” comportamentos para adecualos ao contexto, volvéndonos manipuladores e hipócritas. Este xogo de aparencias fainos pensar “cal é a realidade?” Ante isto deberiamos manter a cabeza fría e non nos deixar levar por estas primeiras impresións porque ás veces a cara que vemos pertence a un lado escuro, sombrío, que só podes ver profundizando nel.

Respecto de todo isto, no meu traballo trato de desenmascarar este carácter oculto das persoas, as cousas… aplicándolles unha dobre identidade aos obxetos e unha maneira diferente de observar a realidade, que se amosa irónica e, en ocasións, dura de asimilar.

Nunha primeira ollada podemos pensar que o traballo está manipulado dixitalmente, por medios informáticos, pero o certo é que toda a serie fotográfica está traballada con fotografía analóxica e non dixital, polo tanto, o que aparece na imaxe é o que estaba na realidade no momento de premer o botón, sen montaxes posteriores… lembrade, non todo é o que parece…

Iria Becerril


Appearances can be deceptive

Who hasn’t been told about the importance of a first impression? And that’s why we all make judgements about how people and things at first sight are. ¿How many times are you right, though? You’ve definitely been wrong more than once since things aren’t always as they seem.

We humans are complex beings, even contradictory at times. We model the way we are according to what is expected from us. “We put make up” on behaviours in order to adequate them to the context, becoming manipulative and hypocrite. This game of appearances makes us think ¿What is the reality? In view of this, we should keep a cool head and not go with our first hunch because from time to time, the face we are looking at belongs to a dark side, a gloomy one, which can only be seen if you explore it.

Regarding all of this, throughout my work, I try to unmask the hidden nature of people, things… conferring a dual identity on the objects, and a different way of observing the reality, of an ironic nature and often hard to assimilate.

On the face of it, one could think that the work is digitally manipulated, but the truth is that the entire photographic series was performed by means of not digital, but analogical photography, therefore, what is portrayed in the image is what was actually happening the moment the button was pressed, without later photomontages…remember, things aren’t always as they seem.

Iria Becerril


Iria Becerril López ( Pontevedra, 1987). Licenciada en Belas Artes na Facultade de Pontevedra en 2010.

Iria Becerril López (Pontevedra, 1987). Degree in Fine Arts by the University of Pontevedra in 2010.

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