antonio guerra


E o teu soño? indaga na relación entre os individuos e o contorno, centrado nun grupo de diferentes familias e persoas que se asentaron e viven en Matavenero, ecoaldea situada na aba dunha montaña a 1.000 m de altitude.

Individuos que viven en harmonía e estreito contacto coa natureza, coa intención de poder desenvolver sistemas sociais onde non exista un anonimato crecente. As súas conviccións persoais leváronos a vivir dun modo alternativo, lonxe das áreas urbanas, dun xeito totalmente ecolóxico.

E o teu soño? estabelece unha relación entre os suxeitos e o seu hábitat, o cal representa a prolongación do seu estilo de vida e propón un xeito diferente de pensar e vivir. Interésame especialmente esa relación entre as persoas e as súas vivendas e como estas se adaptan ao medio para poderen aliarse con el.

O que chamou a miña atención para a realización deste proxecto foi a complexa relación dos nenos e mozos co ámbito. Un modo de vida melancólico, cunha angustia xuvenil producida por un relativo illamento, en contraposición coa satisfacción persoal que produce o seu estilo de vida. 

Antonio Guerra

Este proxecto obtivo a Bolsa de Creación Artística MUSAC 2011 e até o momento non foi exposto nin publicado.



Is it your Dream? Inquires into the relationship between the individuals and the environment; focused on a group of different families who have settled and live in Matavenero, an eco-village located at the hillside of a mountain at a height of 1.000 m.

Individuals who live in harmony and in close contact with nature, with the intention of being able to develop social systems where there is no growing anonymity. Their personal convictions took them to live in an alternative way, far from the urban areas in a completely ecological style.

Is it your Dream? Establishes a relationship between the subjects and their habitats, which in turn represent an extension of their lifestyle, and suggests a different way of thinking and living. I am especially interested in the relationship between people and their homes and the way in which they adapt to the environmet in order to be able to ally with it.

For the making of this project, the main feature which attracted my attention was the complex relationship among the children and youth with the environment. A sad way of life, with a youthful angst caused by the relative isolation in contrast to the personal satisfaction that their lifestyle entails.

Antonio Guerra

 This project won the MUSAC 2011 Artist Creation Grant, and has not been exhibited or published for the time being.






Antonio Guerra naceu en Zamora en 1983 e estuda Fotografía e Deseño Publicitario na Escuela de Artes de Salamanca.

Antonio Guerra was born in Zamora in 1983, he is studying Photography and Advertising Design at the School of Arts of Salamanca.

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