noelia buxán


Parece que son cada vez menos as fronteiras que antes separaban o ámbito privado e o público. A vida íntima dunhas persoas irrumpe a modo de bombardeo no ámbito público. Famosos ou aspirantes a selo, no seu afán de amosarse a cambio dunha compensación económica, mostran sen pudor detalles da vida privada, a través de reportaxes en revistas ou en platós de televisión. Asimesmo, están en auxe os realities, nos que unhas persoas anónimas mostran sen reparo as 24 horas do seu día a día. Por outra banda, hoxe todo o mundo, sobre todo a xente máis nova, está inserida dentro das redes sociais como Tuenti ou Facebook, e non se dubida nin o máis mínimo en amosar as parcelas máis inimaxinables da intimidade, o que esperta un interese, en ocasións, desbordante entre moita xente.

Mediante a representación de accións cotidianas pertencentes ao terreo privado, pretendo, por medio dunha descontextualización, facer unha referencia irónica e crítica á inserción do ámbito privado dentro do público, a esta perda de fronteiras entre ambas esferas.

Noelia Buxán


It seems that nowadays there are less and less boundaries separating the private domain from the public one. The intimate life of certain people is bursting through the public domain as if it were a bombardment.
Famous people or those aspiring-to-be, in their eagerness to expose themselves, unashamedly show their private life through reports in magazines or TV-sets in exchange for a financial compensation. At the same time Reality Shows where a series of anonymous people have no qualms about showing the 24 hours of their day are getting more and more influential.
On the other hand, nowadays everybody (and especially youth) is deeply involved in social networks such as Facebook or Tuenti, and they do not hesitate to show the most unimaginable areas of their privacy which in turn awakes an increasing interest among groups of people who are anxious to know what is happening in these people’ s lives. By means of a representation of everyday moves pertaining to the private domain, taken out from their real context, I try to make an ironic reference with a critical intention to the private domain inside the public one, a reference to the loss of boundaries between both spheres, which is so obvious nowadays and which can be clearly observed in the social networks or the popular realities.
Noelia Buxán

Noelia Buxán. Toques, A Coruña, 1987. Estuda na Facultade de Belas Artes de Pontevedra

Dobre páxina publicada en A Nosa Terra, abril  2010.

Double-Page spread, published in A Nosa Terra, April 2010.

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