ana galán


Viv(r)e la Vie! é unha serie fotográfica “en proceso”, que constitúe unha homenaxe á xente que se nega a ser invisible.

Dous principios contrarios, masculino e feminino, que se funden nun abrazo como símbolo de conxunción, de unidade e pertenza, a unión de dous planetas que se encontran na mesma liña de gravitación. As súas paisaxes de coníferas representan o poder da forza vital, da inmortalidade.

Viv(r)e la Vie! é unha tipoloxía fotográfica de parellas que se reúnen cada domingo para bailar nun centro social. Comecei a serie en Guadalajara, España, coa idea de realizar novas series de 10 a 15 parellas en diferentes cidades do mundo.

Parellas de certa idade, persoas pouco visíbeis, pero que non deixaron de vivir plenamente e cuxa estreita relación se retrata nos bailes dominicais dos centros sociais da súa localidade.

As fotografías dan visibilidade a persoas que, dende hai certo tempo, carecen dela. Esta serie documenta a diversidade cultural entre distintas cidades e países. O obxectivo deste proxecto sería formar un extenso inventario visual transcultural, case como pequenas historias de vida antropolóxica e social dunha persoas que alcanzan unha idade madura, pero activa. Una serie que se inspira na fórmula de retrato que xorde en Italia a finais do Quattrocento, cuxa orixe encontramos na obra de Jan Van Eyck, e que asocia o busto á paisaxe.

A segunda serie de Viv(r)e la Vie!, que é a que presento aquí, desenvolvina na cidade americana de Filadelfia, en xuño de 2011, grazas a unha residencia concedida polo Philadelphia Arts Hotel. A terceira serie realizareina en Cuba en marzo de 2012 e a cuarta en xuño de 2012 en Finlandia.


Viv(r)e la Vie! is a photography series “in process” and is a homage to the people that resist to become invisible.

Ttwo contrary principles: masculine and feminine, which are found in an embrace as a symbol of the partnership, the union and belonging. The coniferous landscapes represent the power of vital force, of immortality.

Viv(r)e la Vie! is a photographic typology of couples which meet in order to dance every Sunday in a community center. I began the series in Guadalajara, Spain, with the idea of putting together a set of series of 10 to 15 couples in different cities around the world.

Couples of a certain age, people barely seen socially, but who have not stopped living life fully and whose close relation is photographed in the Sunday outing dances of the community centers of their area.

The photographs give visibility to people which, for a certain time, have lacked such visibility. This series, at the same time, documents the cultural diversity that exists between different cities and countries. The purpose of this project would be to form an extensive visual transcultural inventory, almost as small histories of social and anthropological life of some people that are reaching a mature age, but remain active.the portrait formula that emerged in Italy towards the end of the 15th century, whose origins can be traced to the work of Jan Van Eyck, which associated, in painting, busts with landscapes.

The second series of Viv(r)e la Vie, which is shown here, was developed in the American city of Philadelphia in June 2011 thanks to an artist residency I was granted by the Philadelphia Art Hotel. The third series of this project will be developed in March 2012 in Cuba and the fourth in June 2012 in Finland.





Ana Galán nace en Madrid en 1969. Tras licenciarse en Economía General realiza un MBA Internacional de 3 años en 3 destinos distintos: Oxford, Madrid y París. Durante los 2 últimos cursos redacta una tesis sobre la “Especulación en Arte”. 

Ana Galán was born in Madrid in 1969. After receiving her degree in Economics, she completed an International MBA, which entailed studying in three different cities: Oxford, Madrid and Paris. In the last two courses, she wrote a thesis addressing “Speculation in Plastic Art”.

Exposiciones Colectivas. Selección. Selected Group Exhibitions

2012- The Center for Fine Art Photography, Fort Collins, Colorado.

2011- Grizzly Grizzly Gallery, “Other possible titles”, Philadelphiaia; Foto-Noviembre, “Atlántica Colectivas”, Tenerife; Delhi Photo Festival 2011, India; Center. Curve Group Exhibition, Santa Fe, Nuevo México (USA); Emergentes DST, Mosteiro de Tibães, Braga; Getxophoto, Getxo; Galerie Huit Open Salon 2011 Exhibition, Les Rencontres d’Arles Photography Festival, Arlés (Francia); Paris Photo Prize Px3, Espace Dupon, Paris (Francia);PHotoEspaña 2011, Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid;Primo Piano LivinGallery, Lecce (Italia). 

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