inés nogueira

Esta serie fotográfica simboliza a perda de orixinalidade e autenticidade. A sociedade actual fai que a xente  en moitas ocasións se vexa obrigada a actuar, a ser o que non é, para poder ser aceptada. Pérdese así, dalgún xeito, a auténtica personalidade. As fotografías representan a ruptura con esa persoa ficticia, aceptando no que se converteu e rompendo con iso. Moitas veces cremos que nos poñemos as nosas propias metas e nos concienciamos en conseguilas, pero moitas desas metas están impostas pola sociedade. No intento de conseguilas esquecemos a verdadeira autorrealización. En todo momento o home apunta a algo que non é el mesmo, cara a un sentido que cumprir ou cara a outra persoa á que ofrece o seu amor.
A todo iso agrégase ademais o sentimento da dor que produce a opinión das persoas que aprecias. En ocasións chéganse a dicir cousas que poden crear marcas imborrábeis, sentímolas con maior intensidade cando as causan en nós, sen decatarnos de que en moitas ocasións somos nós os que as causamos noutros.

Nada en 1985 en Moaña (Pontevedra), en 2012 gradúase en Belas Artes na facultade de Pontevedra. 


These photographic series symbolizes the loss of originality and authenticity. Society nowadays forces people to play a role, to be who they are not, in order to be accepted. This way, their true personality is somehow lost. The photographs represent the break with this fictitious character, accepting that into which he or she has turned into and breaking off with it. Sometimes we think that we set ourselves our own goals and we strive to achieve them, but most of those goals are imposed by society. In trying to achieve them, we f orget the real self-realization. At all times, men aim at becoming something they are not, at fulfilling a task, or at offerring their love to another person.
To all this, we have to add the feeling of pain which the opinion of those you love has upon you. Sometimes things are said which can cause indelible scars. We feel these even more intensely when they fall upon us, without noticing that we often cause them on other people.
Why symbolize this with paper bodies. There’s a great interest since we are not really conscious of the energy we focus on it. We use it when it’s not useful anymore. We capture what is important to us and that in which we want to leave our trace and evidence on. But this trace is not always useful during our lifetime and when we don’t need it anymore or whenever we make a mistake, we break it, or crumple it by trying to let loose, this way we feel that with this simple step, what we put on paper stops existing.

Inés Nogueira Durán 

Born in 1985 in Moaña (Pontevedra), she graduates in Fine Arts by the University of Pontevedra in 2012.

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